Special Grammar 『 부정사 : Infinitive 』 본문
1. 명사적 용법 : "to+동사 원형"이 문장 안에서 주어, 목적어, 명사보어, 동격으로 쓰임.
①주어로 쓰이는 경우 : To learn English is very easy.
= It is very easy to learn English.
②목적어로 쓰이는 경우 : I want to read this book
◇의문사 + to 부정사가 명사구의 역할.- 동사의 목적어.
* I don't know what to do.
where to go.
when to do it.
whom to go with...............
③명사보어로 쓰이는 경우 :
* To see is to believe
④동격으로 쓰이는 경우 :
* He has one aim, to make money.
2. 형용사적 용법 : "To + 동사원형"이 문장 안에서 명사를 수식(한정적 용법)
하거나 서술(서술적 용법,be to 용법)함
①한정적 용법 : 명사 뒤에서 수식.
* She has no friend to help her.
= She has no friend who will help her.
(그녀는 자기를 도와 줄 친구가 없다.)
* There are many sights to see in Rome.
= There are many sights that we should see in Rome.
(로마에는 구경할 관광지가 많다.)
* I have no family to look after.
= I have no family whom I should look after.
(나는 내가 돌봐 줄 가족이 아무도 없다.)
* Give me something to eat.
(먹을 것 좀 주세요.)
* He isn’t the man to desert me.
(그는 나를 버릴 남자가 아니다.)
* Would you like something to drink?
(뭐 좀 마시겠습니까?)
* I have a lot of homework to do.
(나는 해야 할 숙제가 많다.)
* They seem to have no desire to be rich.
(그들은 부자가 되고 싶은 욕망이 없는 것 같다.)
* I have no friend to help me.
◇ 전치사 + 관계 대명사 + to 부정사가 명사를 수식.
* I have no house in which to live.
= I have no house to live in.
* I have got letters to write.( 써야 할 편지 )
* I want something to write on. ( 쓸 것-종이 등)
* I want something to write with. ( 쓸 도구-펜 등)
②서술적 용법 : be + to 부정사가 같은 형태로 쓰이나 문장 안에서 주격
보어(형용사 보어)로 쓰이며 각기 뜻을 달리하여 사용되며 예정, 의무, 가능,
의도, 운명 등을 나타냄.
* 예정 : 하기로 되어 있다. ~할 것이다 (= will)
We are to meet at the post office.
We are(were) to meet there at 7.
(우리는 거기서 7시에 만나기로 되어 있다(있었다)
The worst is still to come.
(최악의 사태는 이제부터이다(아직 오지 않았다).
The Prime Minister is to make a statement tomorrow.
(수상이 내일 성명을 발표할 것이다.)
* 의무 : 해야 한다. (= should)
You are to finish it by six.
Rules are to be observed. (규칙은 지켜야 한다)
You are to be punctual.( 시간을 엄수해야 하네. )
You are not to smoke in this room.
(여러분은 이 방 안에서 담배를 피워서는 안됩니다.)
* 가능 : 할 수 있다. (수동형의 부정사를 수반하여)
No one was to be seen on the street.
Not a soul was to be seen. 사람의 그림자도 보이지 않았다.
(주로 수동태, 부정문, 의문문에서 사용됨)
* 의도 :~을 하려면 (= intend to)
If you are to succeed, you must work hard.
If you are to know a nation, you must learn its history.
(한 국가를 알려면 그 나라 역사를 알아야 한다.)
(If절 안에서의 to be는 주로 intend to의 뜻으로 쓰임)
* 운명 : ~하게 된다 (= be destined to)
He was never to see his home again.
He was never to see his wife again.
(그는 다시는 아내를 만나 보지 못하게 되었다.)
He was never to return home.
(그는 두 번 다시 집에 돌아오지 않았다(돌아오지 못하게 되어 있었다)
3. 부사적 용법 : to + 동사 원형이 문장 안에서 부사적 기능을 하며 목적,
결과, 원인, 조건, 양보, 이유.판단의 근거, 정도 등을 나타냄.
* He works hard that He may pass the examination.
(=so that ...can =in order that..... will )
= He works hard to pass the examination.
(= so as to = in order to )
= He works hard for the purpose of passing the exam.
(=with the view of
= with a view to
= with the intention of
= with the object of )
( ∼하기 위하여 )
◇ 전치사 다음은 항시 명사나 동명사가 온다. (전치사 다음은 전치사의
목적어가 와야 하며 목적어는 명사나 동명사만이 가능하기 때문이다.)
◇ 복문을 단문으로 고치는 방법 :
ⓐ접속사 that의 생략.
ⓑ주절의 주어와 종속절의 주어가 같으면 생략.
ⓒ조동사 생략.
ⓓto를 사용하여 부정사 구문으로 고침.
* She kept quiet so that she might not disturb her father.
= She kept quiet so as not to disturb her father.
(부정사의 부정은 부정어를 to 앞에 둔다)
= She kept quiet lest she should disturb her father.
(lest ∼ should 구문, lest 다음은 절의 형태를 취함)
= She kept quiet for fear of disturbing her father.
(for fear of ∼ing, of 가 전치사. for fear (that)의 형태는 절을 취함)
②결과:주로 무의지 동사인 awake, live, grow up 다음은 결과를 나타냄
* He awoke to find himself famous.
* He tried to rise, but it was useless.
= He tried to rise only to fail.
= He tried in vain(vainly) to rise.
◇ so that ∼, 과 so ∼ that.
ⓐ so that∼: 목적, 결과(therefor, and so), 조건(if only, so long as)
* He got up early so that he might be in time for the train.
= He got up early so as to be in time for the train.
* A great storm arose, so that the ship were wrecked.
* Any book will do, so that it is interesting.
ⓑ so ∼ that (so that 이하가 결과 부사절)
* He got up so early that he was in time for the train.
= He got up so early as to be in time for the train.
③원인 : 감정을 나타내는 동사나 형용사 다음의 부정사는 원인을 나타냄.
감정 동사 : smile, weep, grieve.
감정 형용사: glad, happy, sorry, delighted, pleased, surprised.
* I was surprised to find her gone.
= To my surprised, I found her gone.
◇ to one's + 추상 명사 (결과를 나타냄, ∼하게도)
* I should be glad to go with you.
= I should be very glad if I could go with you.
* I should be very happy to be of any service to you.
= I should be very glad if I could be of any service to you.
* To do his best, he could not succeed in it.
= Though he did his best, he could not succeed in it.
⑥이유, 판단의 근거
* must be
cannot be + to 부정사
* He must be honest to say so.
* How foolish I was to trust him.
◇ 타동사나 전치사의 목적어는 본 주어로 고칠 수 있다.
* It is not good to drink this water.
= This water is not good to drink (vt.의 목적어)
* It seems to be comfortable to sleep in this bed.
= This bed seems to be comfortable to sleep in (pre.의 목적어)
⑧독립 부정사 : 문장 전체를 수식하므로 부사적 용법에 해당
* To tell the truth, I don't like your sister
(To do him justice, so to speak, to begin with, strange to say,
To make a long story short, To be sure, not to speak of,
To make matters worse)
4. 부정사의 시제
① 형태
◇ 단순 부정사 : to + 동사 원형 (본동사의 시제와 일치)
완료 부정사 : to + have + p.p (본동사보다 하나 더 과거)
* He seems to be ill.
= He seems that he is ill.
* He seems to have been ill.
= He seems that he was(has been) ill.
② * It seems that + s + v --> s + seems + to 부정사.
* It happens that + s+ v --> s + happens + to 부정사.
* It seems that he studied hard.
= He seems to study hard.
* It appears that he was rich.
= He appears to have been rich.
* It happened that we were on the same bus.
= We happened to be on the same bus.
5. 부정사의 미래 표시
(미래 동사 + to 부정사 : 부정사의 시제가 본동사보다 하나 더 미래)
미래 동사: want, intend, expect, wish, hope, be likely, be sure.
* I hope to see him
= I hope that I shall see him.
* I hoped to see him.
= I hoped that I shall see him.
* It is likely that he will win.
= He is likely to win.
( It is likely that ∼ , 사람 주어 + be likely to∼)
6. 과거에 이루지 못한 소망
◇형식 : s + had + 미래 동사의 p.p + that ∼
had + 미래 동사의 p.p + 단순 부정사
미래 동사의 과거형 + 완료 부정사.
* I hoped to see her yesterday.
= I hoped that I should see her yesterday.
(그녀를 만나기를 희망했음. 만났는지 만나지 못했는지는 표현되지 않음)
* I had hoped that I would see her yesterday.
= I had hoped to see her yesterday.
= I hoped to have seen her yesterday.
= I had to see her yesterday, but I couldn't.
(그녀를 만나기를 희망했으나 만나지를 못함)
7. 의미상의 주어
◇부정사의 의미상의 주어는 원칙적으로 for + 목적격을 씀.
* I think it difficult that he should solve the problem.
= I think it difficult for him to solve the problem.
◇부정사가 사람의 성질이나 특징을 나타내는 형용사 (good, fine, bad,
kind, unkind, wise, clever, stupid, foolish, silly, polite,
thoughtful, considerate, cruel, rude, careful, generous.....) 다음
에 올 때는 of + 목적격을 쓴다.
* It is very kind of you to say so.
= You are very kind to say so.
= How kind (it is) of you to say so.
◇ of + 목적격에서는 목적격을 본 주어로 고칠 수가 있다.
for + 목적격에서는 목적격을 본 주어로 고칠 수가 없다.
(단, for + 목적격일지라도 타동사나 전치사의 목적어는 본 주어로
고칠 수가 있다)
◇의미상의 주어가 본 주어와 같을 땐 생략한다.
* I expect to succeed.
= I expect that I shall succeed.
◇의미상의 주어가 문장 전체의 목적어와 일치할 땐 전치사를 생략한다.
* I expect (for) him to succeed.
= I expect that he will succeed.
8. 사람을 주어로 할 수 없는 형용사.
: convenient, necessary, difficult, important, impossible,
possible, pleasant, easy, dangerous 등의 형용사와 a pity와 같은 명
사는 원칙적으로 사람을 주어로 할 수가 없다. 그러나 사람 주어가 부
정사의 타동사나 전치사의 목적어에서 온 경우엔 가능하다.
* It is easy for Tom to master English.
= English is easy for Tom to master. (○) → 타동사의 목적어
= Tom is easy to master English. (×) → 목적격
* It is cruel of him to beat the dog like that.
= He is cruel to beat the dog like that.(of + 목적격에서는 가능)
* It is possible for me to solve the problem.
= I am possible to solve the problem. (×)
* It is dangerous for her to bathe in this river.
= This river is dangerous for her to bathe in. (○) → 전치사의 목적어
= She is dangerous to bathe in this river. (×)
* It is difficult to please him.
= He is difficult to please.
◇ difficult는 사람을 주어로 할 수 없으나 him이 타동사의 목적어이므로 가능
◇ unable, incapable, be sorry 등은 It을 주어로 할 수 없다.
* It is sorry for me to hear of your father's death.(×)
= I am sorry to hear of your father's death. (○)
9. 부정사의 의미.
:부정사는 동명사에 비해 "미래적, "구체적", "가상적"인 성질을 갖는다.
①미래적 성질.
* Mary remembers to go. ( 부정사 : 미래성-->갈 것)
* Mary remembers going. (동명사 : 과거성-->간 것)
②구체적 성질.
* To swim is better exercise than to row for older people.
(수영에 대한 구체성, 운동 효과 등등...)
* Swimming is better than exercise rowing for older people.
(수영에 대한 일반적인 견해)
③가상적 성질.
* John likes Mary to stay at home.
(Mary가 집에 있다는 사실 여부는 표현되지 않음)
* John likes Mary staying at home.
(Mary가 집에 있음)
◇이러한 의미적 성질을 중심으로 부정사나 동명사만을 목적어로 취
할 수 밖에 없는 동사들이 있다.
◇주로 부정사만을 목적어로 취하는 동사
: want, wish, hope, expect, choose, decide, determine,
refuse, pretend, manage, offer, agree, promise.........
◇주로 동명사만을 목적어로 취하는 동사
: admit, consider, give up, deny, finish, mind, stop, quit,
escape, postpone, practice, enjoy, avoid, put off.........
* He decided to leave school.
→ He decided leaving school. (×)
→ He decided on leaving school. (○)
* He gave up drinking and smoking.
◇부정사와 동명사를 모두 목적어로 취하는 동사.
ⓐ like, hate, love, dread, intend,
+ 부정사 : 사실성의 언급이 없음.(I like her to sing)
동명사 : 사실성이 표현됨. ( I like her singing )
ⓑ forget, remember, regret, report, recall, anticipate,
acknowledge, emphasize, announce, suspect, admit....
+ 부정사: 미래성 (I remember to post the letter),부칠 것.
+ 동명사: 과거성 (I remember posting the letter),부친 것.
ⓒ stop + 부정사 : 부정사의 부사적 용법.(I stopped to smoke)
+ 동명사 : stop의 목적어. (I stopped smoking)
ⓓ try + 부정사 : 노력하다. (Mary tries to write a book)
동명사 : 시험 삼아 해보다 (Mary tries writing a book)
ⓔ go on + 부정사: 쉬었다가 다시 계속하다.
동명사: 계속해서 --하다.
* He went on to talk about his accident.
* He went on talking about his accident.
10. 원형 부정사 : 지각 동사나 사역 동사 다음엔 to가 생략되고 동사 원형
만이 오는데 이를 원형 부정사라 한다.
① 지각 동사 또는 사역 동사 + 목적어 + 원형 부정사.
* 지각 동사 : see, behold, hear, feel, watch, observe, notice,
look at, listen to..........
* 사역 동사 : make, let, have, bid, help(to도 가능)
* I saw him enter the room.
* I saw a beggar enter the hotel.
(나는 거지가 호텔에 들어가는 것을 보았다.)
* She was watching the crowd pass along the street.
(그녀는 군중들이 거리를 지나가는 것을 보고 있었다.)
* I heard a bell ring at the door.
(나는 문에서 벨이 울리는 소리를 들었다.)
* I felt someone pull me by the sleeve.
(나는 누가 내 소매를 끄는 것을 느꼈다.)
* I made him write a letter of apology.
= He was made to write a letter of apology by him.
* I made the children laugh.
(나는 아이들을 웃겼다.)
* Let me know what you are thinking of.
(당신이 생각하고 있는 것을 알려 주세요.)
* I had him row close to a rock.
(나는 그가 바위 가까이로 배를 젓도록 했다.)
* I bade him start right away.
(나는 그에게 즉시 출발하라고 명령했다.)
(능동태에서의 원형부정사가 수동태로 고쳐지면 다시 to가 되살아난다)
* He let Betty use his dictionary.
= Betty was allowed to use his dictionary by him.
② get, allow, order, cause, compel, force, oblige + 목적어 + to부정사
◇ 열거한 동사는 사역의 의미는 갖고 있지만 사역 동사는 아니다)
* The rain made the river rise.
= The rain caused the river to rise.
③관용어귀 다음의 원형 부정사.
* had better(best) + 동사 원형 (부정: had better not)
* cannot but + 동사원형 (cannot help ∼ ing)
* do nothing but + 동사원형.
* would rather
would sooner A than B (A,B가 동사원형)
had rather
* You had better stay in bed.
= It would be better for you to stay in bed.
* I would rather starve than steal.
(나는 도둑질을 하기 보다는 차라리 굶어 죽는 편을 택할 것이다.)
* We cannot choose but quit the jobs.
(우리는 그 일을 그만둘 수밖에 다른 도리가 없다.)
* He does nothing but drink every day.
(그는 매일 술만 마시고 있다.)
* You must go and help clean the house.
(당신은 가서 집안 치우는 것을 거들어야 한다.)
11. 부정사의 부정 : 부정어를 to 앞에 놓는다.
* He did not try to smile. (try를 부정)
* He tried not to smile. (to smile을 부정)
12. 대부정사 : 부정사의 반복을 피하기 위하여 to만을 씀.
* You may go if you want to. (go; 생략)
13. 분리 부정사 : 부사가 부정사를 수식한다는 것을 분명히 하기 위해
to + 동사원형이 부사에 의해 분리되는 것.
* He entirely failed to understand it.
(entirely가 failed를 수식, 완전부정)
He failed to entirely understand it.
(entirely가 understand를 수식하는 분리 부정사, 부분부정)
14. 감탄문을 만드는 부정사.
* To think that such a little boy should have done it.
15. 부정사의 태 : 능동형으로 수동의 의미를 나타내는 것.
* You are to blame
= You are to be blamed.
* To teach is to be taught.
16. 관련구문
① so∼ that … , such ∼ that ….
so + a/ad + that + s + v
such + n + that + s + v
* As the book is very small, I can put it in my pocket.
= The book is so small that I put it in my pocket.
= The book is small enough for me to put in my pocket.
* It was such a lovely day that he went out.
= It was so lovely a day that he went out.
◇복문 ⇒ 단문
ⓐ a/ad + enough의 형태로
ⓑ 접속사 that 생략.
ⓒ that 이하의 절이 본 주어와 같을 때는 생략, 다를 땐 for + 목적격
ⓓ 타동사의 목적어가 본 주어와 같을 땐 생략, 다를 땐 써줌.
② so ∼ that … not
so + a/ad + that … not
too + a/ad + for + 목적격 + to 부정사
* This stone is too heavy for me to lift.
= This stone is so heavy that I can not lift it.
③ Too의 특수 용법
◇ not too ∼ to = not so that ∼ not
* He is not too old to do the task.
= He is not so old that he can not do the task.
= However old he may be, he can do the task.
= He is not so old but he can do the task.
◇ too ∼ not to = so ∼ that cannot but …
* The statesman is too great not to be respected.(by us)
= The statesman is so great that he cannot but be respected.(by us)
= The statesman is so great that we cannot but respect him.
(cannot but = can의 의미)
* ,too (I have much money.
I have much money, too.= So do I )
too = very, only too = very,
too liable to ∼ , too ready to ∼
(걸핏하면 ∼ 하다, ∼하기 일쑤다)
* I am only too good to help you.
* He is too liable (ready, apt) to despise the poor.
⑤ too ∼ to, enough ∼ to.
* This stone is too heavy for me to lift.
= This stone is so heavy that I cannot lift it.
* This book is easy enough for me to read.
= This book is so easy that I can read it.