Special Grammar 『 동명사 : Gerund 』 본문

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Special Grammar 『 동명사 : Gerund 』

알 수 없는 사용자 2008. 2. 26. 17:47

    1. 동명사의 형태

    ① 1음절어로 단모음 + 단자음으로 끝날 때.
    * swim → swimming. run → running.
    ② 2음절어로서 후 강세어 (자음 하나 더)
    * prefer → preferring.  omit -- omitting
    ③ -ie + ing → -ying. lie → lying. die → dying.
    ④ 기타: 어미가 c로 끝나는 단어가 [k]로 발음될 경우→k를 쓴 뒤에 ing.
    어미가 발음되지 않는 e로 끝난 단어는 e를 생략하고 ing.
    * mimic → mimicking. picnic → picnicking.
       smoke → smoking. decide → deciding.
    ◇예외: be → being. see → seeing.
                dye[dai] → dyeing. ; 염색하다.
    2. 동명사의 기능: 동사의 성질, 명사적 역할.

    동사의 원형에 ~ing가 붙어서 명사의 구실을 하는 것이 동명사이다. 따라서,

    동명사는 주어, 목적어, 보어 등이 될 수 있다. 한편, 동명사는 동사 본래의

    특성도 가지고 있어서 완료형과 수동태를 만들 수 있고 부사, 목적어, 보어를

    수반할 수도 있다.
    1) 명사적 역할

    ① 주어자리.

    * Seeing is believing.

            (백 번 듣는 것보다는 한번 보는 것이 낫다.) 

    * Making much money is not the end aim of life.
    * It is very pleasant walking in the country. (진주어)

    ② 명사보어자리. (주어 = 명사보어)

    *  My hobby is collecting stamps.                           

            (나의 취미는 우표를 수집하는 일이다.)      

    * He is collecting stamps. (현재분사)
    * It is throwing your money away.
    (그것은 돈을 버리는 일이다. 즉, 쓸데없는 낭비다.)
    ③ 목적어자리.

       a. 타동사의 목적어

              * I like reading a biography.                                

               (나는 전기를 읽는 것을 좋아한다.)

             b. 전치사의 목적어

              * I am fond of fishing.

              (나는 낚시를 좋아한다.) 

    * I don't like playing baseball.
    * I found it unpleasant walking in the rain.
    * Thank you for your answering so promptly.
    △동사 answering은 전치사 for의 목적어이며(명사적 성질), 그리고
    so promptly에 의해 수식(동사적 성질)되고 있다. 또 your가 동명사
    앞에 있다.

    2) 동사적 특성

      ① 완료형을 만들 수 있다.

          He denied having taken it out of the room.

          (= He denied that he had taken it out of room.)

          (그는 방에서 그것을 가지고 나간 일이 없다고 말했다.)

      ② 수동태를 취할 수 있다.

          I don't like being asked questions.

          (나는 질문 받는 일을 좋아하지 않는다.)

      ③ 부사, 목적어, 보어 등을 수반할 수 있다.

          We don't like his coming with us. (부사구 수반)

          (우리는 그가 우리와 함께 가는 것을 원치 않는다.)

          She is proud of her son's being clever. (보어 수반)

    3. 동명사와 현재분사의 구별
    * a  sleeping car = a car for sleeping. (침대차) : 동명사
       a sleeping  child = a child who is sleeping. : 현재분사
    ◇동명사로 쓰이면 목적이나 용도 ∼하기 위하여, 현재분사는 상태나 동
    작으로 ∼하고 있는...
    ◇동사원형 + ing + 명사에서 목적(∼하기 위하여)으로 번역하여 문맥이
    통하면 동명사이며 상태나 동작으로 통하면 현재분사이다.

    4. 동명사의 의미상의 주어
    * That she come here was surprising.
    = For her to come here was surprising. (부정사구문)
    = Her coming here was surprising. (동명사구문)
    ◇동명사의 의미상 주어가 명사일 땐 소유격이나 목적격 모두 가능.
    의미상의 주어가 무생물이면 일방적으로 목적격. 동명사의 의미상의
    주어가 일반인을 나타낼 땐 의미상의 주어를 생략.
    * Studying English is no easy task. (의미상의 주어 생략 - 일반인)
    * He insist that he should attend the party.
    = He insist on (upon) attending the party. (his를 생략)
    ◇ insist는 주장하다의 뜻이므로 that∼ 에서는 반드시 should + 동사
    원형을 쓰며 접속사 that은 생략, on이나 upon을 쓴 뒤 he는 본주어
    와 같으므로 attending을 씀.
    ◇동명사 attending의 의미상 주어가 생략되었다는 것은 본주어와 같다.
    * He insist that Tom should attend the party. (복문)
    = He insist on (upon) Tom('s) attending the party. (단문)
    → that 생략, on 또는 upon을 쓴 뒤 that 다음의 주어가 본주어와 다르므로

    Tom을 Tom's 또는 Tom 등으로 고친 뒤 조동사 should 생략.

    5. 동명사의 시제
    * 형태.
    | 원형동사| 단순동명사 | 단순수동동명사 | 완료형동명사 | 완료형수동동명사     |
    | be         | being         | 無                     | having been  | 無(자동사이므로)     |
    | write      | writing        | being written    | having written| having been written |
    | make     | making       | being made     | having made | having been made   |
    | 본동사의 시제와 동일                            | 본동사보다 하나 더 과거시제             |
    * He is proud that he is a poet. (복문)
    = He is proud of being a poet. (단문)
    ◇접속사 that을 생략하고 of를 쓸 것. that∼의 주어 he는 본 주어와
    같으므로 생략.
    ◇미래동작을 의미하는 형용사, 동사, 명사 등의 다음에 오는 that절에
    미래시제가 오고 본동사가 현재시제일지라도 단순동명사를 사용.
    * There is no hope that of his succeeding.
    → There is no hope that he will succeed.
    ◇ remember, forget 등의 다음에는 완료형 동명사 대신 단순동명사를
    사용할 것, remember 다음에 부정사가 오면 미래시제를 쓴다.

    * I remember that I saw her.
    = I remember having seen her. (×)
    = I remember seeing her. (○)
    * I am sure of his being a man of ability.
    (나는 그가 유능한 사람임을 확신한다; 시제는 본동사와 일치)
    = I am sure that he is a man of ability.
    * I am sure of his having been a man of ability in his youth.
    (나는 그가 젊었을 때는 유능한 사람이었다고 확신한다; 동명사의
    완료형, 시제가 본동사보다 하나 앞선다.)
    = I am sure that he was a man of ability in his youth.
    * I don't like being asked to make a speech.
    (나는 연설 부탁을 받는 것을 싫어한다; being asked는 수동태)
    * I never heard of such a thing having been done.
    (나는 그런 일이 이루어졌다고는 들어보지 못했다.)
    = I never heard that such a thing had been done.
    6. 동명사와 부정사
    ①동사의 특성에 따라 어떤 동사는 동명사만을 혹은 어떤 동사는 부정사
    만을 목적어로 취한다.
    ⓐ동명사만을 목적어로 취하는 동사.
    : mind, enjoy, give up, avoid, finish, escape, admit, consider,
    deny, postpone, practice 등...
    △ I finished writing my composition.
    ⓑ부정사만을 목적어로 취하는 동사.
    : wish, hope, care, choose, expect, refuse, decide, mean, plan 등...
    △ I hope to see you again.
    ②동명사와 부정사를 모두 목적어로 취하나 의미가 달라지는 동사.
    ⓐ remember, forget + ∼ ing: 과거의 일.
    remember, forget + 부정사: 미래의 일.
    * I remember to see him. (만날 것)
    I remember seeing him. (만난 것)
    * I forget posting the letter. (나는 편지 부쳤던 일을 잊고 있다.)
    Don't forget to post the letter. (편지 부칠 것을 잊지 마세요.)
    ⓑ stop + 동명사 : ∼하는 것을 그만두다.
    stop + 부정사 : ∼하기 위해 가던 길을 멈추다.
    * I stopped smoking.
    I stopped to smoke.
    ⓒ try + 동명사 : 시험 삼아 ∼하다.
    try + 부정사 : ∼하려고 시도하다.
    * He tried moving the piano.(그는 시험 삼아 피아노를 옮겼다; 옮김)
    He tried to move the piano. (그는 피아노를 옮기려고 시도했다; 옮기지 않음)

    ⓓ go on + 동명사 : 계속해서 ∼하다.
    go on + 부정사 : 쉬었다가 다시 계속하다.
    * He went on talking about his accident.
    (그는 줄 곧 그의 사고에 대해 이야기를 했다.)
    He went on to talk about his accident.
    (그는 잠시 쉬었다가 그의 사고에 대해 이야기를 했다.)
    7. There is no + ∼ ing: ∼을 할 수 없다.
    * There is no knowing what may happen.
    = It is impossible to know what may happen.
    = We cannot know what may happen.
    = 무슨 일이 일어날지 알 수 없다.
    * There is no trusting him.
    = It is impossible to trust him.
    = We cannot trust him.
    8. It is no use + ∼ ing : ∼해도 소용없다.
    * It is no use(good) crying over spilt milk.
    = It is ..of no use ..to cry over spilt milk.
    = There is no use (in) crying over spilt milk.
    = What is the use (the point) of crying over spilt milk?
    9. of one's own + ∼ ing : 자기가 직접 ∼하는
    * This is a picture of my own painting.
    which I have painted myself.
    (which is) painted by myself. (p.p + by oneself)
    10. It goes without saying that health is above wealth.
    It is needless to say
    It is a matter of course
    It is not too much to say
    = 건강이 부보다 중요하다는 것은 두말할 필요가 없다.
    11. cannot help ∼ing : ∼하지 않을 수 없다.
    cannot but + 동사원형: ∼할 수  밖에 없다.
    * I cannot help admiring his courage.
    12. on + ∼ ing, in + ∼ ing
    * on + ∼ ing = as soon as (when) + 주어 +동사:∼하자마자. ∼할 때.
       in + ∼ ing = when + 주어 + 동사: ∼할 때에는.
    * As soon as he received the letter he turned pale.
    = On (his) receiving the letter, he turned pale.
    = He had no sooner received the letter than he turned pale.
                   scarcely                                when
                   hardly                                    before

    = No sooner had he received the letter, than he turned pale.
       Scarcely                                             when
       Hardly                                                 before
    13. cannot too: 아무리 ∼해도 지나치지 않다.
    * We cannot be too careful when we choose friends.
    = We cannot be too careful in choosing friends.
    14. Want, Need + 능동동명사
    * Want + 능동동명사 (○)
       Need 수동동명사 (×)
      Require 수동부정사 (○) → ∼을 필요로 한다. ∼을 해야 한다.
    * His house needs being painted. (×)
    wants painting. (○)
    requires to be painted. (○)
    15. 동명사의 관용적 용법 Ⅰ
    be busy with + 명사.
    (in) + ∼ ing. : ∼하는데 분주하다. 바쁘다.
    * I am busy with my task.
    * She was busy (in) tidying up his desk.
    feel like + ∼ ing.
    feel inclined + to do : ∼하고 싶은 생각이 나다.
    * I feel like sleeping now.
    = I feel inclined to sleep now.
        am disposed to
    What do you say to + ∼ ing? : ∼하는 게 어때?
    * Let's play baseball after lunch, shall we?
    = How about playing baseball after lunch?
     = What about    〃                 〃
    = What do you say to playing baseball after lunch.
    = What do you think about playing baseball after lunch.
    ◇ Let's로 시작되는 부가의문문은 shall we?
    be on the point of + ∼ ing: ∼하려는 찰라다, 막 ∼하려고 하다.
    * He was on the point of being drowned.
    on the verge of
    on the brink of
    on the edge of
    = He was about to be drowned.
    cannot ∼ without … ing: …않고 ∼하는 일을 없다.
    cannot ∼ but …(S+V) : …하면 반드시 ∼하다.

    * Whenever I met him, I think of his brother.
    = I never meet him without thinking of his brother.
    = I never meet him but I think of his brother.
    = 그를 만날 때 마다 그의 동생이 생각나다.
    be worth ∼ing
    = be worth while + 동명사, 부정사
    = be worthy of + 동명사, 명사
    = ∼할만한 가치가 있다.
    * This is worth while to read this book.
    = It is worth while to read this book.
    16. 관용적 용법 Ⅱ
    make a point of + ∼ ing : ∼을 규칙으로 하다.
    * I make a point of getting up early.
    = I am in the habit of getting up early.
    = It is my rule to get up early.
    = I make it a rule to get up early.
    come near + ∼ ing.
    go near + ∼ ing.
    nearly escape + ∼ ing. : 하마터면 ∼할 뻔하다.
    * He came near being drowned.
    not A but B = instead of + ∼ ing = not only A but also B
    = besides + ∼ ing
    in addition to
    * She is not shy, but unsocial.
    = Instead of being shy, she is unsocial.
    * He is not only brave, but also wise.
    = Besides being brave he is wise.
    17. To + ∼ ing
    be opposed to
    object to + ∼ ing : ∼을 반대하다.
    have an objection to
    * I am very much opposed to going there.
    * Have you any objection to my wearing this suit?
    contribute to + ∼ ing : ∼에 공헌하다. 기여하다.
    * He contributed to the growth of the city.
    turn one's attention to + ∼ ing (명사) : ∼에 주의를 돌리다.
    ∼에 관심을 갖다.
    * He did not turn his attention to making a fortune until he was forty.
    (그는 40이 되고나서야 재산 모으는데 관심을 가졌다.)
    with a view to + ∼ ing : ∼하기 위하여. (for the purpose)
    * I study English with a view to going abroad.
    be equal to + ∼ ing : ∼할 능력이 있다.
    * I am equal to doing the task.
    ⑥ devote A to B(동명사)
    dedicate : A를 B에 바치다.
    * He devoted all his time to studying history.
    be use to + ∼ ing.
    be accustomed to + 동사원형(동명사) : ∼에 익숙하다.
    * I am used to playing the piano.
    = I am accustomed to playing (또는 play) the piano.
    what do you say to + ∼ ing : ∼하는 게 어때?
    * What do you say to playing tennis with me?
    take to + ∼ ing : ∼에 빠지다, 정이 들다.
    * He took to writing after he retired from the college.
    look forward to + ∼ ing : ∼을 기대하다, 고대하다.
    * I am looking forward to seeing you again.
    fall to + ∼ ing = begin to + 동사원형 : ∼을 시작하다.
    * They fell to discussing the serious problem.
    18. 동명사 구문의 문장 전환 Ⅰ
    ① insist that + 주어 + 동사 = insist on + ∼ ing: ∼을 주장하다.
    * I insisted he should be invited to the party.
    = I insisted on his being invited to the party.
    ② decide that + 주어 + 동사 = decide on + ∼ ing: ∼하기로 결정하다
    * My father decided that I should marry her.
    = My father decided on my marrying her.
    ③ hear, think, complain, know, dream + that + 주어 + 동사
    = hear, think, complain, know, dream + of + ∼ ing
    * I am glad to hear that you have succeeded.
    = I am glad to hear of your having succeeded.
    ④ repent that + 주어 + 동사 = repent + (of) + ∼ ing.
    * He repent that he was idle in his youth.
    = He repents (of) having been idle in his youth.
    ⑤ suggest, deny, regret, like + that + 주어 + 동사
    = suggest, deny, regret, like + ∼ ing. (타동사이므로 전치사×)
    * I suggested that we should play tennis.
    = I suggested our playing tennis.
    19. 문장전환 Ⅱ
    ① be sorry that + 주어 + 동사 = be sorry for + ∼ ing
    :∼에 대해 유감이다.(미안,감사,벌,꾸중 등을 나타낼 땐 이유전치사 for를 사용)
    * I am sorry that I offended you.
    = I am sorry for having offended you.

    ② scold, blame A for B: B 때문에 A를 꾸짖다. 나무라다.
    * He scolded me that I had neglected my duty.
    = He scolded me for having neglected my duty.
    ③ punish A for B: B 때문에 A를 벌주다.
    ④ be glad (proud, afraid, ashamed, ignorant) + that + 주어 + 동사
    = be glad (proud, afraid, ashamed, ignorant) + of + ∼ ing
    * I am glad that my brother passed the exam.
    = I am glad of my brother having passed the exam.
    ⑤ be sure (certain, convinced, confident) + that + 주어 + 동사
    = be sure (certain, convinced, confident) + of + ∼ ing
    : ∼을 확신하다.
    * I am sure that he will live to eight.
    = I am sure of his living to eighty.
    ⑥ be aware (conscious) + that + 주어 + 동사
    = be aware (conscious) + of + ∼ ing : ∼을 알다.
    * He was conscious that the matter was important.
    = He was conscious of the matter being important.
    20. 동격명사절의 문장전환
    ◇주로 동격 명사절을 이끄는 문장.
    * fact(사실), doubt(의심), evidence(증거), chance(기회), report(보
    고), rumor(소문), proof(증거), hope(희망), news(소식), idea(생각),
    certainty(확실), suggestion(제안), possibility = probability =
    likelihood(가능성, 가망), conclusion(결론)
    * The fact that he is honest is known to everybody.
    = The fact of his being honest is known to everybody.
    his honesty
    ◇동격명사절인 that∼는 주어나 목적어, 보어 등이 생략되지 않은 완
    전한 문장.
    21. 풀어 볼 문제...
    ①각 문장의 틀린 부분을 고쳐라.
    ⓐ He insisted to go for a drive.
    ⓑ The rain prevented me to go to the party.
    ⓒ Are you sure of he will come?
    ⓓ No one has ever succeeded to explain this phenomenon.
    ⓔ Exercise strengthens instead of weakens the body.
    ⓕ She came near to be drowned.
    ⓖ I objected to be treated like that.
    ⓗ I don't care running the risk.
    ⓘ She devoted herself to look after him.
    ⓙ You will have to speak a little louder. He is hard to hear.
    ⓚ He is above to do such a mean thing.
    ⓛ He regrets being not able to help me.
    ②다음 각 문항의 뜻의 차이를 말하여라.
    ⓐ I hate lying.
    I hate to lie.
    ⓑ I like swimming.
    I like to swim now.
    ⓒ He is sure of success.
    He is sure of to succeed.
    ③공란을 적당한 단어로 채워라
    ⓐ This picture is ( ) her own painting.
    ⓑ This book is ( ) reading intensively.
    ⓒ The glass is very brittle; It wants ( ) with care.