expect : 일어날 가능성이 많은 일이 일어나기를 기대함.
hope : 내가 할 수도 없는 일을 바랄 때
want : 어떤 일이 일어나기를 바라지만, 그것을 위해 내가 무엇인가 할 수 있을 때
wish : 불가능한 일이 일어났으면 하고 바랄 때
Ex) I"m expecting a letter from her.
I hope she writes to me.
I want to write to her.
I wish I had 100 million dollars.
첫 번째 문장은 그녀가 먼저 편지 보냈다고 했기 때문에 그 편지를 기다리는 것이고,
두 번째는 단순히 그녀에게 편지가 왔으면 하고 바라는 것입니다.
세 번째는 내가 쓰기 원하는 것이며, look forward to는 뭔가 빨리 일어났으면 좋겠다고
기대하고 바라는 거죠. 그 일이 일어나면 좋을 거라는 암시가 들어있습니다.
wait는 무엇인가가 벌써 일어나야 하는데 안 일어나서 일어나기를 기대한다는 의미입니다.
[1] Meaning
<1> expect
Expecting is a kind of thinking; it is not an emotion. If I expect something,
I have good reason to think that it will happen.
◆ We expect to leave here in three years.
◆ I"m expecting a phone call from John today.
(아마 John에게 전화 오기로 되어 있을 것임)
<2> hope
Hoping is more emotional. If I hope for something, I want it to happen,
but I am not sure that it will happen, and I can do nothing about it.
◆ I hope she writes to me soon.
◆ I hope they find that poor woman"s child.
◆ I hope we don"t have a war.
<3> look forward
Looking forward is an emotional about something that is certain to happen.
If I look forward to something, I know it will happen, I feel happy about it,
and I would like the time to pass quickly so that it will happen soon.
◆ He"s looking forward to his birthday.
◆ I"m really looking forward to going to Morocco in June.
◆ I look forward to hearing from you.
→ (common formula at the end of the letter)
<4> wait
Waiting happens when something is late, or when you are early for something.
wait for something that will probably happen soon;
I am conscious of the time passing
(perhaps not quickly enough); I may be angry or impatient.
◆ I hate waiting for buses.
<5> want
Wanting is emotional, like hoping. But if I want something to happen,
I may be able to do something about it.
◆ What do you want to do when you leave school?
◆ I"m going to start saving money. I want a better car.
<6> wish
Wishing is wanting something that is impossible, or that doesn"t seem probable
- being sorry that things are not different.
◆ I wish I could fly.
◆ I wish I had more money.
Wish + infinitive can also be used like want (but wish is more formal).
◆ I wish to see the manager.
[2] Some comparisons
<1> I expect it will stop raining soon.
( = I think it will stop.)
I hope it stops raining soon.
( = It may stop or it may not; I would like it to stop.)
I wish it would stop raining.
( = It doesn"t look as if it"s going to stop.)
<2> I hope you have a good time in Ireland.
( I can"t do anything about it.)
I want you to have a good time while you"re staying with us.
( I"ll do what I can to make things nice for you.)
<3> I expected her at ten, but she was late.
I waited for her until eleven, and then I went home.
[3] Structures
expect + object
expect + (object) + infinitive
expect + that-clause
expect so
◆ I"m expecting a phone call.
◆ I expect to see her on Sunday.
◆ I"m expecting him to arrive soon.
◆ I expect (that) he"ll be here soon.
◆ Is Lucy coming? I expect so.
hope for + object
hope + infinitive
hope + that-clause
hope so
◆ I"m hoping for a letter from Eric.
◆ I hope to go to America next month.
◆ I hope that they get here soon.
◆ Are the shops open tomorrow?
I hope so.
look forward to + object
look forward to + --ing
◆ I"m looking forward to the holidays.
◆ I look forward to hearing from you.
wait and ...
wait for + object
wait + infinitive
wait for + object + infinitive
◆ Can I go now? Wait.
◆ What"s for supper? Wait and see.
◆ I"m waiting for a phone call.
◆ I"m waiting to hear from John.
◆ I"m waiting for John to phone.
want + object
want + (object) + infinitive
◆ I want a new car.
◆ I want to go home.
◆ I want him to go home.
wish + (object) + infinitive
wish + clause
◆ I wish to see the manager.
◆ I wish him to look at this.
◆ I wish I had more money.
[4] wish, want, hope의 용법 차이
wish, want hope는 의미상 약간의 차이가 있을 뿐 아니라, 그 구문에서도 차이가 있다.
<1> want는 that절을 목적어로 가질 수 없는 반면에, wish, hope는
that절이 목적어로 가능합니다.
◆ I want that he will go. (X)
I hope that he will go. (O)
<2> hope 다음에 to부정사가 바로 목적어로 올 수는 있지만 hope + 목적어 + to부정사
형태로는 쓰이지 않습니다.
◆ I hope you to go. (X) ↔ I hope to go. (O)
I want you to go. (O)
I wish you to go. (O)