카테고리 없음

영주권 신청 가능한 코스 & 이민점수 집계표-퍼옴

알 수 없는 사용자 2008. 2. 26. 14:31

◈영주권 신청 가능한 코스◈

♣ 정규 대학 코스
* 2년 코스(이민법상 맞으려면 최하 2년 코스여야 합니다.
-2년 Master of Business (Accounting:회계학)
-1년 Graduate Diploma of Business (Accounting:회계학) +1년짜리 다른 코스
-2년 Master of I.T
-1년 Graduate Diploma of I.T (컴퓨터) + 1년 짜리 다른코스
*3년 코스
-Bachelor of Psychology (심리사, 심리의사)
-Bachelor of Medical Radiation(방사선 의사)
-Bachelor of Nursing(간호사)
-Bachelor of Podiatry(Podiatrist:발 전문 의사)
-Bachelor of Commerce(Accounting: 회계학)
-Bachelor of Computer and Information Science(I.T 전문가)
*4년 코스
-Bachelor of Social Work(사회복지사)
-Bachelor of Applied Science(Occupational Therapist:재활의사)
-Bachelor of Pharmacy(약사)
-Bachelor of Physiotherapy (물리 치료사)
-Bachelor of Computer Systems Engineering
-Bachelor of Engineering
*5년 코스
-Bachelor of Architecture
-Bachelor of Engineering
♣ 전문대학 과정
-Commercial Cookery(요리사)
-Aviation(비행기 조종사)
-Opal Cutting(오팔 세공사)
-Video Production(비디오 제작사)
-Dental Technology(치기공사)
-Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (냉동 기술사)
-Garden Design(정원사)
*3년 코스
-Aircraft Maintenance Engineering(항공기 정비사)

Australian Immigration Law Services


Skill (기술심사)

전문 기술훈련을 요구하는 직업군

일반 학사 학위를 요구하는 직업군50  
디플로마를 요구하는 직업군40  

연령- 비자 신청 시 현재 연령 (Age)

18세 - 29세30  
30세 - 34세25  
35세 - 39세20  
40세 - 44세15  


영어 능력 (English)

IELTS- 4가지 부문 모두 6점 이상 (General)20 
IELTS- 4가지 부문 모두 5점 이상 (General)15 

직장 경력 (Specific Work Exp.)

60점을 받을 수 있는 직업군 중 지명 되어 있는 직업으로 고용된 지난 48개월 중
36개월 간의 경력
전문 직업군내의 직업으로 고용된 지난 48개월 중 36개월 간의 경력5 


배우자 기술 (Spouse)

비자 신청자의 배우자가 45세 미만으로 영어 능력을 보유하고 있으며 60점,
50점 혹은 40점을 받을 수 있는 직업군에 속해있거나 지난 6개월 내에 호주 내
학위를 소지한 경우




호주 내 학위 (Aust. Qualification)

호주 내에서 2년 이상 full-time 학생으로 석사, 디플로마 학위 소지5 
호주 내 교육기관에서 학사 1년이상 마치고 석사 졸업10 
호주 내 교육기관에서 박사 학위 취득15 


지명 직업군 (Occupation in Demand) ㅡMODL

지명 직업군에 속하고 10명의 정 직원을 고용한 회사에서 정 직원 취업의뢰를
받은 경우
신청하려는 직업이 부족한 직업군에 속한 경우




보너스 점수 (3가지 항목 중 한 가지만 선택 가능)- Bonus

1. 12 개월 이상 10 만불 예치5 
2. 지난 48개월간 호주 내에서 6개월간의 경력5 
3. 언어 능력- 한국 내 대학 학사이상의 학위소지5 


스폰서 (Relationship)

호주 내 가족관계에 의한 스폰서(삼촌이내)




[접수 집계 후 결과]
독립 기술이민 120점 이상 영주권 취득 (이번 4월에 점수 오름)
삼촌 이내 스폰서 영주권 취득 점수 110점 이상 영주권 취득


더 자세한 내용은 원문에서 확인 하시기 바랍니다..
2004년 4월 1일 이후 영주권 집계표

Points test

General Skilled migration to Australia

This page contains information on the points test required for general skilled migration to Australia.
On this page:
  • Introduction
  • Pass and pool mark
  • Changes to the passmark for General Skilled Migration
  • Estimating your points score


If you apply to migrate to Australia under the Skilled–Australian Sponsored category or the Skilled–Independent category, you will be assessed against a points test.
Points are awarded for skill, age, English language ability, specific work experience, occupation in demand (and job offer), Australian qualifications, regional Australia, spouse skills and relationship (for Skilled–Australian sponsored only).
Bonus points can be awarded for one only of the following:
  • capital investment in Australia;
  • Australian skilled work experience; or
  • fluency in one of Australia"s major community languages, other than English.

Pass mark and pool mark

You must score sufficient points to reach the pass mark. If your score below the pass mark but equal to or above the pool mark, your application will be held in reserve (in the pool) for up to 2 years after assessment.
If the pass mark is lowered at any time in that 2 year period, and your score is equal to or higher than the new pass mark, your application will be processed further. If not, your application would be refused at the end of the 2 year period.
See also: Changes to the passmark for General Skilled Migration
The current pass marks and pool marks are:
CategoryCurrent Pass MarkCurrent Pool Mark
Skilled–Independent 115 70
Skilled–Australian sponsored 110 105
Skilled–Independent Overseas Student 115 115
Skilled–Australian sponsored Overseas Student 110 110
Skilled–Onshore Independent New Zealand citizen 115 115
Skilled–Onshore Australian sponsored New Zealand citizen 110 110

Changes to the passmark for General Skilled Migration

On 1 April 2004, the Minister for Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs Amanda Vanstone, announced changes to the pass mark for the General Skilled Migration (GSM) Program. These changes apply to the following independent visa subclasses:
  • Skilled Independent (subclass 136)
  • Skilled Independent Overseas Student (subclass 880)
  • Skilled Onshore Independent New Zealand Citizen (subclass 861)
Visa New Pass Mark New Pool Mark For Applications Lodged on of After...
Skilled Independent (Subclass 136) 120 70 14 April 2004
Skilled Independent Overseas Student (Subclass 880) 120 120 1 April 2005
Skilled Onshore Independent NZ Citizen (Subclass 861) 120 120 14 April 2004

Applications for:
  • subclasses 136, and 861 which are lodged before 14 April 2004;
  • subclass 880 which are lodged before 1 April 2005; and
  • sponsored visa subclasses

are not affected by these changes.

Estimating your points score

This information may help you estimate your points score. However, it is essential to read Booklet 6, General Skilled Migration, for more detailed information.

Points for skill

The occupation you nominate must be on form 1121i, Skilled Occupations List (SOL), current at the time of application, and should be one which fits your skills and qualifications.
You receive the points allocated for your nominated occupation after the relevant assessment authority for your nominated skilled occupation determines that your skills are suitable.



For most occupations where training is specific to the occupation


For more general professional occupations


For other general skilled occupations


Points for age

Points are allocated for your age at the time of application.



18 to 29 years


30 to 34 years


35 to 39 years


40 to 44 years


Points for English language ability

English language ability


Competent English - a generally effective command of the language, and the ability to use and understand fairly complex language, particularly in familiar situations.


Vocational English - a reasonable command of the English language, coping with overall meaning in most situations and the ability to communicate effectively in nominated field of employment.


Points for specific work experience

Work Experience


If your nominated occupation is worth 60 points under Skill, and you have worked in your nominated occupation, or a closely related occupation, for at least 3 of the 4 years immediately before you apply


If your nominated occupation is worth 40, 50 or 60 points under Skill, and you have worked in any occupation on the Skilled Occupations List for at least 3 or the 4 years immediately before you apply


Points for occupation in demand/job offer

A number of occupations/specialisations have been identified as being in demand in Australia. They are listed on the Migration Occupations in Demand List (MODL).
You may receive points if your nominated occupation is on the MODL that is current at the time your application is assessed.
For occupation in demand, with job offer


For occupation in demand, but no job offer


Points for Australian qualifications

Applicants with Australian qualifications have a greater chance of employment in Australia.
Points may be awarded for only one of the following Australian qualifications completed whilst present in Australia and where all the instruction was in English:



You have completed an Australian doctorate at an Australian educational institution after a period of at least 2 years full time (2 academic years) while in Australia


You have completed an Australian Masters or Honours degree (at least upper second class level) at an Australian educational institution while in Australia, and prior to completing the Masters or Honours degree, you were awarded an Australian bachelor degree as a result of at least 1 year full time study while in Australia.
The total period of full time study in Australia was at least 2 years (2 academic years)


You have completed full time study in Australia for a total of at least 2 years (2 academic years) towards the award of a degree, diploma or trade qualification


Points for regional Australia/low population growth metropolitan areas

Applicants who can claim points for Australian qualifications may also be eligible to claim points for having lived and studied for at least 2 years in regional Australia or low population growth metropolitan areas.
Having lived and studied for at least 2 years in one or more areas in regional Australia or low population growth metropolitan areas

5 points

The following areas meet one or other of the definitions:
  • all of NSW is included except for Sydney, Newcastle, the Central Coast and Wollongong;
  • all of Victoria is included, except for Melbourne;
  • all of Queensland is included, except for Brisbane and the Gold Coast;
  • all of Western Australia, except for Perth;
  • in South Australia, Adelaide is included due to its low population growth rate being less than 50 per cent of the national average. The rest of South Australia is also included;
  • all of Tasmania is included;
  • all of the Northern Territory is included, and
  • note: no area in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) is included

See regional Australia for the list of the postcodes of areas gazetted as regional Australia or low population growth metropolitan areas.
See campuses for the list of the campuses gazetted as being in regional Australia or low population growth metropolitan areas.

Points for spouse skills

Points may be awarded if your spouse if they are also able to satisfy the basic requirements of age, English language ability, qualifications, nominated occupation and recent work experience and has obtained a suitable skills assessment from the relevant assessing authority for their nominated occupation.
Spouse skills

5 points

Bonus points

Points may be awarded for one only of the following:
Capital investment in Australia (a minimum of A$100,000); or
Australian work experience (an applicant must have legally worked in Australia in any occupation on the Skilled Occupations List for at least 6 months in the 4 years before lodging an application); or
Fluency in one of Australia"s community languages (other than English)(see Booklet 6 for details)

5 points

Points for relationship (for applicants for the Skilled–Australian sponsored category only)

Points for relationship may be awarded if an applicant or their spouse has a relative who is an Australian citizen, a permanent resident or an eligible New Zealand citizen, and who is willing to sponsor them.
The applicant or their spouse must be related to the sponsor as either a non-dependent child, a parent, a brother or sister, or a niece or nephew.

15 points





추가점수 - 부족 직업군 (MODL LIST)

Migration Occupations in Demand List (MODL)

General Skilled migration to Australia

Below is a list of occupations which have been identified as being in demand in Australia. This list is called the Migration Occupations in Demand List (MODL).
People seeking to migrate to Australia on the basis of their work skills receive points if their nominated occupation is on the MODL, which is current at the time their application is assessed (not when their application is lodged).
They receive extra points if they have a job offer in their nominated occupation from an organisation that has employed at least 10 people on a full-time basis for the previous two financial years.
  • For occupation in demand, but with no job offer - 10 points

  • For occupation in demand with job offer - 15 points

The MODL is reviewed annually to take into consideration existing and emerging skill shortages.
The following is the current list of occupations in demand for migration purposes. Changes to this website list were made on 17 December 2003.


ASCO 2 Code

Registered nurses2323
Registered midwives2324
Registered mental health nurses2325
Hospital pharmacists2382-11
Retail pharmacists2382-15
Occupational therapists2383
Medical diagnostic radiographers2391-11
Radiation therapist2391-13
Associate professionals 
Chefs (excluding commis chef)**3322 (part)
Refrigeration and airconditioning

** Chefs would normally be expected to have a relevant trade level (or higher) qualification, and at least 3 years relevant experience following the completion of that formal qualification.

Preparing for your application

1. This MODL is current from 17 December 2003.
2. To receive extra points for a job offer, documentary evidence of the job offer should be included with an application.
The organisation making the job offer must also indicate the number of people it has employed on a full-time basis for the previous two years.
Note: the department will make checks to verify the accuracy of this information


추가점수 5점 - 외곽지역

Regional Australia/
low population growth metropolitan areas

P>This page lists the residential areas and educational institutions that are gazetted as being in regional Australia/low population growth metropolitan areas as used by some categories under the General Skilled migration program.
Students who have lived and studied in these areas may be able to claim points for regional Australia.

Residential areas

| ACT | NSW | NT | QLD | SA | TAS | VIC | WA |

Regional Australia/low population growth metropolitan areas


New South Wales
except Sydney, Newcastle, the Central Coast and Wollongong
2311 to 2312
2328 to 2333
2340 to 2411
2428 to 2490
2536 to 2551
2575 to 2594
2618 to 2739
2787 to 2898

Regional Australia/low population growth metropolitan areas


except Brisbane metropolitan area and the Gold Coast

4301 to 4899

Regional Australia/low population growth metropolitan areas


except Melbourne metropolitan area
3212 to 3334
3340 to 3424
3430 to 3649
3658 to 3749
3753, 3756, 3758, 3762, 3764
3778 to 3781
3783, 3797, 3799
3810 to 3909
3921 to 3925
3945 to 3974
3981 to 3996

Regional Australia/low population growth metropolitan areas


Western Australia
except Perth metropolitan area
6041 to 6044
6121 to 6126
6200 to 6799

Regional Australia/low population growth metropolitan areas


South AustraliaEntire State

Regional Australia/low population growth metropolitan areas


TasmaniaEntire State

Regional Australia/low population growth metropolitan areas


Northern TerritoryEntire Territory

Note: none of the Australian Capital Territory is included.