카테고리 없음

영국과 미국 캐나다의 같은 뜻 다른 단어

알 수 없는 사용자 2008. 2. 26. 17:39

anywhere anywhereanyplace
autumn autumn/fallfall
barrister lawyerattorney
beeper, pagerpagerbeeper
bill (restaurant)billcheck
biscuit cookiecookie
block of flatsapartment blockapartment building
bonnet hoodhood
boot (of car) trunk (of car) trunk (of automobile)
car carautomobile
caravan trailertrailer
chemist drugstoredrugstore
chest of drawersdresserbureau
chipsFrench fries/chipsFrench fries
chocolate barchocolate barcandy bar
the cinema moviesthe movies
clothes pegclothes pegclothespin
condom condomrubber
crisps potato chipspotato chips
crossroads intersectionintersection
cupboard cupboardcloset
diversion diversion, detourdetour
drawing-pin thumbtackthumbtack
driving licencedriver's licencedriver's license
dummy (for babies) sootherpacifier
dustbin garbage can, trash canashcan, garbage can, trashcan
dustman garbagemangarbage collector
engine enginemotor
estate agent real estate agentrealtor
film moviemovie
flat apartmentapartment
flat tyre flat tireflat
flyover overpassoverpass
galoshesgaloshestoe rubbers
gear-lever gearshiftgearshift
Girl GuideGirl GuideGirl Scout
ground floor ground floor, main floorfirst floor
handbag handbagpurse
holiday holidayvacation
jeansjeansblue jeans
jug jugpitcher
lift elevatorelevator
lorry trucktruck
mad crazycrazy
main road main road, main thoroughfarehighway
maize corncorn
maths mathmath
mobile (phone)cellular phonecellular
motorbikemotorbike, motorcyclemotorcycle
motorway highway, thoroughfarefreeway, expressway
motorway freewayfreeway
napkinserviette, table napkinnapkin
nappy diaperdiaper
naughts and crossestick-tack-toetic-tack-toe
pants shortsshorts
pavement sidewalk, pavementsidewalk
petrol gas, gasolinegas, gasoline
The PloughBig DipperBig Dipper
pocket moneypocket moneyallowance
post mail, postmail
postbox mailbox, post-boxmailbox
postcodepostal codezip code
postman mailman, letter carriermailman
pub bar, pubbar
public toilet bathroomrest room
puncture flatflat
railway railwayrailroad
return (ticket) returnround-trip
reverse charge collect call, reverse the chargescall collect
ring roadring roadbeltway
road surface road surface, asphaltpavement
roundabout roundabouttraffic circle
rubber erasereraser
rubbish garbage, trash, refusegarbage, trash
rubbish-bin garbage can, trashcangarbage can, trashcan
saloon (car) sedan (car)sedan (automobile)
shop shop, storestore
single (ticket) one-way (ticket)one-way
solicitor lawyerattorney
somewhere somewheresomeplace
spanner wrenchwrench
spiritsspiritshard liquor
sweets candy, sweetscandy
tap (indoors) tap (indoorsfaucet
tap (outdoors) tap (outdoors)spigot
taxi taxicab
tea-towel dish-towel dish-towel
telly, TVTVTV
third-party insurancethird-party insuranceliability insurance
timetable scheduleschedule
tin tin cancan
toll motorway toll highwayturnpike
torch flashlightflashlight
trousers pantspants
tube (train) subway, metro  subway
underground (train) subway, metrosubway
underpants shortsshorts
van trucktruck
vest undershirtundershirt
waistcoat vestvest
wallet walletbillfold
wellington boots rubber bootsrubbers
whiskywhisky, scotchwhiskey, scotch
windscreen windshield windshield
zip zipper zipper