[본문스크랩] 호주 워홀비자 승인 거부시 받는 메일..
안녕하세요 ^^
워홀비자 신청하고 워홀비자가 빠른 시간안에 아무 문제없이 나온다면 더 할 나위 없이 좋겠지만..정말 드물게 거부당하는 경우도 있습니다. 물론 이 메일을 받을 확률은 정말 정말 드뭅니다...
우리 '호주 설레임' 패밀리 여러분들은 절대!! 받으시면 안되겠쬬? ^^
비자가 거부되는 경우의 예로는, 호주에서 범죄를 저질렀다거나 호주에서 학생비자로 있을 때 출석율이 80%이하의 경우가 될수 있는데요 우리 호주 설레임 패밀리 여러분' 이런 경우 없으시겠쬬? ㅋ
참고만 하시라고 올려드려요.. 즐거운 하루 보내세요
I refer to your application for a subclass 417 working holiday visa Lodged via the Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs' website on XXXX, XX, 2006.
After careful consideration, your application has been refused.
Decision Record
Visa Applicant:
Date of Birth:
Visa Permission Request Identifier:
Date of Visa Application:
Visa Class: TZ 417 Electronic Working
Under Migration law, a visa cannot be granted unless the applicant Meets the legal requirements that are set out in the Migration Act and the Migration Regulations. You did not meet the legal requirement set out In Section 65(1)(a)(ii).
Section 65. Decision to grant or refuse to grant visa
(1) After considering a valid application for a visa, the Minister:
(a) if satisfied that:
(i) the health criteria for it (if any) have been satisfied; and
(ii) the other criteria for it prescribed by this Act or the regulations have been satisfied; and
(iii) the grant of the visa is not prevented by section
40 (circumstances when granted),
500A (refusal or cancellation of temporary safe haven visas),
501 (special power to refuse or cancel) or
any other provision of this Act or of any other law of the Commonwealth; and
(iv) any amount of visa application charge payable in relation to the application has been paid;
is to grant the visa; or
(b) if not so satisfied, is to refuse to grant the visa
As part of the electronic working holiday visa application, you were advised of the requirement to provide additional information regarding Client to attend O/S post to verify name change in email by the Department on ********** and on **********.
You were also informed in these notifications sent to you that if you failed to advise the Department of your intention to provide the requested information by 28 days of receipt of the email that a decision may be made on your visa application on the basis of the information already provided in your application.
Regulation 2.15(1)(c)(ii) states:
".....the prescribed period for giving additional information or comments in response to an invitation is....70 days....in the case of an application made by an applicant who is not in
Given that the requested information was not received within 70 days from the date that you were contacted by the Department, you have not been able to satisfy the requirements for a grant of this visa.
Therefore, I am not satisfied that your application for a working holiday visa lodged via the Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs' website meets the requirements of Regulation Section 65(1)(a)(ii).
I have considered all information provided and I am not satisfied that Section 65(1)(a)(ii) of the Migration Regulations has been met.
Therefore, the application for a subclass 417 working holiday visa lodged via the Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs' website has been refused.
The decision to refuse to grant a non-citizen a subclass 417 working holiday visa is not merits-reviewable.
Yours sincerely