영어문법 vs 토익

[기초 문법] 의문부사 및 관계부사 (Interrogative & Relative Adverbs)

알 수 없는 사용자 2008. 2. 26. 17:47

문장의 맨 앞에서 의문문을 유도하거나 간접의문문을 만들 때 쓰인다.
 where, when, how, why가 있다.

1. 의문부사의 용법

(1) where의 용법- [어디에]라고 장소를 물을 경우에 쓰임

ex) Where do you eat lunch?

(2) when의 용법- [언제]라고 시간을 물을 때 쓰임.

ex) A: When did you meet him?
B: I met him the day before yesterday.

(3) how의 용법- [얼마나, 어떻게] 등 정도나 방법을 물을 때 쓰임.

A: How many books do you have?
B: I have about two hundred books.

A: How old is your father?
B: He is forty-five years old.

A: How tall are you?
B: I am five feet three inches tall.

A: How much money do you have?
B: I have one thousand won.

A: How far is it from here to your school? (거리)
B: It is about two miles.

A: How long does it take from here to the station? (시간)
B: It is takes ten minutes to go there by bus.

A: How do they go to church?
B: They go to church by bus.

A: How much is this book? (= What is the price of this book?)
B: It is two dollars.

(4) why의 용법- [왜]라고 이유를 물어볼 때 쓰임. (대답은 Because...)

ex) Why were you absent from school yesterday?

Because I had a cold.

■ 간접의문문의 어순- 의문사 다음에 [주어 + 동사]

ex) +-Where is his father? Do you know?

+-Do you know where his father is?

+-When did he go there? Do you know?

+-Do you know when he went there? [did + go → went]

+-How old am I? Do you think?

+-How old do you think I am?

think, imagine, guess, suppose 등의 동사가 있을 땐 의문사가 앞으로 도치됨...

2. 관계부사의 용법

관계부사 : 두 개의 글을 결합시키는 접속사와 부사의 구실을 하는데,
where, when, why, how가 있다.
관계부사는 선행사를 수식하는 형용사절을 이끌며, [전치사+관계대명사(which)]로
바꾸어 쓸 수 있다.
선행사는 시간, 장소, 이유, 방법 등을 나타낸다.

(1) where의 용법- 선행사가 [장소]일 때

ex) This is the house. She lives there. (there = in it)

This is the house and she lives in it.

This is the house where she lives. [관계부사]
= This is the house in which she lives. [전치사 + 관계대명사]
= This is the house which she lives in.
= This is the house she lives in. [관계대명사의 생략]

(2) when의 용법- 선행사가 [시간]일 때

ex) I don't remember the day. Mr. Kim left Seoul on the day.

I don't remember the day when Mr. Kim left Seoul.
= I don't remember the day on which Mr. Kim left Seoul.

(3) why의 용법- 선행사가 [이유]일 때

ex) Do you know the reason? He didn't come for the reason.

Do you know the reason why he didn't come?
= Do you know the reason for which he didn't come?

(4) how의 용법 - 선행사가 the way인 경우.

현대영어에서는 the way how라는 말을 사용하지 않으므로 the way

혹은 how만 쓰든지, the way that 혹은 the way in which를 쓴다.

ex) Tell me the way. You solved the problem in the way.

Tell me the way you solved the problem.
= Tell me how you solved the problem.
= Tell me the way that you solved the problem.
= Tell me the way in which you solved the problem.

3. 관계부사의 주의할 용법

(1) 제한적 용법 - 관계부사 앞에 comma(,)가 없는 경우

ex) Sunday is the day when we go to church.

(2) 계속적 용법- 관계부사 앞에 comma(,)가 있는 경우로서,

[접속사+부사]로 바꾸어 쓸 수 있다.

why와 how는 계속적 용법에 쓰이지 않는다.

ex) We went to Cheju Island, where we stayed for a week.
= We went to Cheju Island, and we stayed there for a week.

I went to Pusan yesterday, when I met a friend of mine.

(3) 관계부사의 선행사 생략 (이 경우 명사절을 이끈다)

ex) This is (the reason) why he came here.

That is (the place) where we play in the afternoon.

(4) 복합관계부사

wherever, whenever, however의 형태를 말하며, 선행사를 포함하고 있다.

ex) He gets lost wherever he goes.
= He gets lost at any place where he goes.

He is busy whenever I call on him.

However hard you may study, you must always be careful about your health.

※ that가 관계부사의 대용을 할 때가 있다.

ex) I don't remember the day that he left Seoul. (=when)

This is the reason that I did so. (=why)

■ 관계대명사와 관계부사와의 차이점

관계대명사는 접속사와 대명사의 역할을 하며, 관계부사는 접속사와 부사의 역할을 한다.
관계대명사는 동사의 주어나 목적어가 되거나 전치사의 목적어가 되지만, 관계부사는
 그렇지 않다. 관계부사는 격변화가 없으며, 그 다음에는 [주어 + 동사]의 어순이 된다.

ex) The house which is on the hill is my uncle's. (주어)

He lives in the house which they built last year. (목적어)

The house where he lives is very large. (관계부사)

The house which he lives in is very large. (전치사의 목적어)

[End of Interrogative & Relative Adverbs]